The Story Tree
We harness the transformative power of storytelling to bridge divides and foster understanding among diverse communities. Through visual and oral narratives, we bring children around the world together to share stories of their homes, their community and the natural world around them, as well as their realities and lived experiences.
Our platform, The Story Tree Library, is a living symbol of our shared human family tree. It celebrates both the beautiful similarities and rich differences within and across cultures, inviting everyone to find connections and grow in empathy through the lens of
youth stories. youth stories.
Our Cross-cultural Exchange Programs
The adventure begins with a story—an immersive tale from our founder, Vladia, who shares her experiences living among Indigenous communities in Africa. Her vivid storytelling and book Our Story, invites audiences to listen closely, drawing them into worlds far beyond their own.
Through her story, children feel a spark of curiosity and see familiar ideas in new ways, opening their minds and inspiring them to engage creatively with the world around them, and ask questions about culture, identity and belonging.
Once this spark is lit, children are invited to create and share stories of their own. Each story becomes a bridge, connecting young voices across diverse cultures, backgrounds, and places.
These shared worlds come together in our Story Tree Library, where stories are published into children’s books. These books are more than just stories—they amplify young voices, empowering children to understand the influence they wield within a collective when they share their experiences. Through storytelling, each child finds a space to be heard, recognized, and connected to their home, world, and heart.
Children’s Books Are Created Through Our
Four-Pillar Programs
Our programs create a safe space in which children can just be children. As a result, they connect to their innocence. The hearing of their own heart beats, many for the first time, enables them to finally see their own individuality, leading them to newfound belief in themselves and their unique abilities.
In this space of connectedness, we guide children to express their inner and
outer worlds.
These Programs Help Children To:
Connect to their individuality
Participate in cultural exchange by sharing stories about home
Gain understanding and connection to emotions
Build personal empowerment & healthy relationships with themselves
Connect to nature and their community
Bigger Picture
By humanizing unfamiliar societies on a personal level, the unknown loses its veil of obscurity – celebrating differences and recognizing similarities. Children gain an understanding of foreign cultures, far-off lands and connect with the wonderful people who inhabit them.
By encouraging children to engage in a worldwide interactive program, we develop the personal tools for living in harmony with different cultures, building social cohesion and collaboration. We help the children to develop a collective understanding through cultural exchanges, giving them a sense of belonging, individuality as well as cultural sensitivity, which builds wisdom in tomorrow’s adults – our future leaders.